# Let's Talk Digital ##### 2022.03.18 ### Grass Roots NHS IT Development #### https://bit.ly/mb-letstalkdigital22 ----- # why should we # support front-line # digital innovation? ----- # Mainstream doesn't # _start off_ # mainstream ----- # NHS Hack Day --- ![nhshd](img/nhshd-cardiff2020.jpg) --- ![nhshd-projects](img/nhshd-projects.png) ----- # OpenEyes https://openeyes.apperta.org/ --- ![openeyes-examination](img/r-examination-event-lg.jpg) --- ![openeyes-eyedraw](img/eyedraw-lg.jpg) ----- ## Egton Medical Information System # EMIS
"EMIS Group began in March 1987 as Egton Medical Information Systems by Dr Peter Sowerby and Dr David Stables, both GPs in Egton, North Yorkshire, and Tony Jones." ##### Source: https://www.emisgroupplc.com/who-we-are/our-history/
--- "They identified an opportunity to develop and supply practice management software to GP practices at a time when GPs’ systems and records were largely paper based." --- "The Group’s first GP clinical software, named ‘EMIS’, had a character-based user interface and was developed from 1987, with full commercial roll-out taking place in 1990." ![emis-lv](img/emis-lv.png) --- ### EMIS now approximate 57% of UK GP market ![emis-web](img/emis-web.png) ----- # and many more examples exist... #### Rhidian Bramley oncology EPR at Christie in Manchester #### Mark Wardle neurology EPR in Wales #### PPM+ at Leeds #### CPD at York #### SpiritumDuo at Gloucester ----- How do we embrace this innovation? * Openly advertise a willingness to support new ideas from within the organisation * Provide **support** to improve quality * Data centre space - cloud servers * Offer developer / programmer resource * Offer clinical, admin and patient user testing * Think of digital innovations like any other clinical intervention * Forget about selling it for untold riches... * But don't discount sustainable commercial opportunity * **Learning about open source is the single most important step** ----- ## this presentation made with #### [reveal.js](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js) #### [my template repo](https://github.com/pacharanero/create-new-revealjs-template)